Monday, April 25, 2011

Fate Shake Pudding

Fate Shake Pudding

  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 3/4 teaspoons of debt
  • 2 cups of doubts
  • 1 Julius Caesar's Ghost
  • 2 cups of a full army
  • 1/3 cup accusation
  • 1 cup of irony
  • 6 cups of honor
  • 2 daggers for sharpness


Add all ingredients inside the blender of Rome and put on purray for seven minutes before adding two daggers and place on high until all lumps form into the shape of two tombstones with the names of Brutus and Cassius etched into the surface.

After finished pour into a bowl and place in the fridge and wait a hour, afterwards grab two spoons and enjoy eating your fate shake.

WARNING: Do not consume on birthday.

-Optimus Prime

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