Friday, March 18, 2011

Fate vs. Free Will by Nickname

This image is from Act 1, Scene 2 of Julius Caeser. This is when the soothsayer from the crowd mentions the ides of March. (March 15th) It is up to Caeser to listen to the soothsayer and be careful on March 15th, or he can just brush him off which he did. The reason that this is Fate vs. Free Will is that its like an old sage who is warning Caeser of terrible happenings (Fate) but Caeser just thinks it isn't important at all(Free Will)

Beware the ides of March.
What man is that?
A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March.
Set him before me; let me see his face.
Fellow, come from the throng; look upon Caesar.
What say'st thou to me now? speak once again.
Beware the ides of March.
He is a dreamer; let us leave him: pass.

Caeser just thinks the soothsayer is a crazy person in the crowd.
-Image courtesy of thinkstock-

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you spruced up your blog. Great images and analysis.
